2 uV sensitivity (typically <1uV)
Signal Generator Specifications:
RF Frequency Range: 250 kHz to 1 GHz
RF Frequency Accuracy and Stability: Same as reference
oscillator +/- 0.015 Hz
Output Range: -137 to -19 dBm into 50 Ohm (RF in/out), -127 to
+7 dBm into 50 Ohm (duplex out)
Output Level Accuracy: +/- 1.8 dB (RF in/out), +/- 1.5 dB
(duplex out), Typically +/- 1.0 dB for all levels.
FM Modulation (ac/dc-coupled):
FM Deviation (Rates > 25 Hz): 100 kHz; 0.25 to 250 MHz, 50
kHz; 250 to 500 MHz, 100 kHz; 500 to 1000 MHz
FM Rate: dc to 75 Khz (3 dB BW)
FM Accuracy: < or = 10 KHz dev: +/- 7.5% of setting +/- 50
Hz, > 10 kHz dev: +/- 7.5% of setting +/- 500 Hz
AM Modulation:
AM Depth: 0% to 90%
AM Rate: 20 Hz to 25 kHz (3 dB BW)
AM Accuracy: < or = to 10% AM: +/- 5% of setting +/- 1.0% AM,
> 10% AM: +/- 5% of setting +/- 1.5% AM
Audio Generator Specifications:
Frequency Range: dc to 25 kHz
Output Level Range: 0.1 mV to 4 V rms
Output Impedance: < 1 Ohm
RF Analyzer Specifications:
RF Frequency Measurement:
Measurement Range: 400 kHz to 1 GHz
Accuracy: +/- 1 Hz plus timebase accuracy
RF Power Measurement:
Measurement Range: 1 mW to 60 W continuous. 100 W for 10
Accuracy: 10% of reading +/- resolution
FM Measurement:
Frequency Range: 5 to 1000 MHz
Deviation: 20 Hz to 75 kHz
Sensitivity: 2 uV (typically < 1 uV
Accuracy: +/- 4% of reading plus residual FM and noise
Residual FM and Noise: <20 Hz (0.3 to 3 kHz rms)
AM Measurement:
Frequency Range: 10 to 1000 MHz
Depth: 0% to 95%
Accuracy: +/- 5% of reading +/- 1.5% AM
SSB Measurement:
Frequency Range: 400 kHz to 1 GHz
Bandwidth (3 dB): 20 Hz to 70 kHz
AF Analyzer Specifications:
Frequency Measurement:
Measurement Range: 20 Hz to 400 kHz
Accuracy: +/- 0.02% plus resolution plus reference oscillator
ac/dc Voltage Measurement:
ac Range: 0 to 30 Vrms
ac Accuracy: +/- 3% of reading +/- 150 uV rms
dc Range: 100 mV to 42 V
dc Accuracy: +/- 1.0% of reading +/- 45 mV
Input Impedance: switchable between 600 Ohm and 1 Mohm
SINAD/Distortion Measurement:
Fundamental Frequency: 1 kHz +/- 5 Hz
Distortion Range: 0.1% to 100%
Accuracy: +/- 1 dB (0.5 to 100% distortion)
SINAD Range: 0 to 60 dB
Accuracy: +/- 1 dB (0 to 46 dB SINAD)
Oscilloscope Specfications:
Bandwidth: (3 dB): 2 Hz to 50 kHz
Scale/Division: 10 mV to 10 V
Time/Division: 10 us to 100 ms
Signaling Encode/Decode (not sure if this is Option 004 or not)
Specifications: CDCSS, DTMF, 1 TONE, 2 TONE, 5/6 TONE SEQUENTIAL (EIA,
dc Current Meter Specifications:
Measurement Range: 0 to 10 A (useable to 15 A)
Accuracy: The greater of: +/- 10% of reading or +/- 30 mA
Reference Oscillator Specifications:
TCXO Temperature: 1 ppm (o to +55 degrees C)
TCXO Aging: < 2ppm/year
OCXO Temperature: 0.05 ppm (0 to +55 Degrees C
OCXO Aging: < 0.5 ppm/year (<1 ppm in 1st year)
Remote Programming Specifications:
HP-IB: Hewlett-Packard's implementation of IEEE Standard 488.2
RS-232: Three-wire RJ-11 connector used for serial data in and
out (2 ports available)
Baud Rates: 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 selectable
General Specifications:
Size: 330 mm W x 188 mm H x 456 mm D
Weight: 35 lbs approx.
CRT Size: 7 x 10 cm
Operating Temperature: 0 to +55 Degrees C
AC: 100/120/220/240 V, 48 to 440 Hz, approx. 80 watts
DC: 11 to 28 V, approx 120 watts
Leakage: At signal generator output frequency and level <40 dBm
typical leakage is <0.5 uV induced in a resonant dipole antenna 1 inch
from any surface except the rear panel. Spurious leakage levels are
typically <1 uV in a resonant dipole antenna.